Hello! I'm a second-year student majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. My journey with coding began during middle school, and I've since developed proficiency in several programming languages, including Python, C++, Java, and Web Developement. Additionally, I have a solid grasp of hardware design and digital circuitry. Currently, I'm enthusiastic about pursuing a career in software development and artificial intelligence (AI). Feel free to contact me if you'd like to connect or discuss anything.
A* Algorithm
A maps application using the OpenStreetMap Database API. This maps application has many features including an A* pathfinding algoritm and accesibility features
View ProjectPython
Developed a convolutional recurrent neural network that can classify between music, conversations, audiobooks and TedTalks solely using the WAV audio file.
View ProjectMERN Stack
A high end netflix clonse using react and redux for the frontend, node for the backend, and mongoDB and firebase for user signin information and preferences respectively.
View ProjectC
Developed a 2d version of minecraft in assembly using the Nios-II processor on the DE1-SOC fpga board.
View ProjectVerilog
Developed the video game of pong in Verilog with keyboard and monitor compatbility On the DE1-SOC Board.
View ProjectHTML
A website highlighting my personal projects and repositories along with my contact and personal information.
View ProjectC
CPU - Algorithm
Recreated the popular board game Reversi, in C along with a dedicated computer opponent using a game strategy algorithm.
View ProjectJava
This Java Program prints the Calender of any year provided the year as well as various other calender display options.
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